Celeste Vera


Celeste is a student in her final semesters of law school at Universidad Latinoamericana. Her experience includes civil and commercial litigation, along with a certification in venture capital and private equity from Università Bocconi in Milan, Italy.

She has participated in various associations such as Rotary, working on projects supporting and showing solidarity with marginalized groups and communities of socioeconomic levels D and E. She served as president of gender parity in the alumni society at Universidad Panamericana, where she began her law studies. In this role, she collaborated with the CNDH to create a new protocol for addressing sensitive situations involving male and female students.


In response to the requests of the students of Universidad Panamericana, the student society sought the support of the CNDH to create a protocol that would efficiently and immediately address sensitive situations such as harassment, sexual abuse, gender violence, or any act against the rights of the university community.

  • Creation of the Protocol for the Attention of Sensitive Situations – GLASS

Universidad Latinoamericana

  • Law Degree

Università Bocconi

  • Certification in Venture capital and private equity


  • PET Certification – Cambridge B1 level



Federico Vázquez

Moises Saltiel

Manuel Yañez

Alix Trimmer

Ian Ibarra


Ariadna León

Celeste Vera

Tania Vázquez


Daniel Alvarez

Hector Enríquez