Jesús Contreras Licea

Of counsel

Jesús Contreras is a lawyer with more than 10 years of experience focusing his practice in capital markets, specializing in real estate, cryptocurrencies and Fintech.

He has developed as a full professor of the Stock Market and Financial Law Module of the Master’s Degree in Corporate Law at Universidad Anáhuac, IEST, and as a professor of the Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Fintech diploma course at Universidad Anáhuac Cancún.

He has been invited as a speaker at events in the Web 3, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and NFT’s space.

He is a graduate of the Universidad Panamericana in Mexico City. He holds two Master’s Degrees, one in International Trade and Commerce Law from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia and the second in Financial Law Institutions from Universidad Panamericana.

Areas of Expertise

Universidad Panamericana de la Ciudad de México

  • Law Degree

Macquarie University en Sydney, Australia 

  • Master in International Trade and Commerce Law

Universidad Panamericana

  • Master in Financial Law Institutions


Federico Vázquez

Moises Saltiel

Manuel Yañez

Alix Trimmer

Ian Ibarra


Ariadna León

Celeste Vera

Tania Vázquez


Daniel Alvarez

Hector Enríquez